Week 10 Lecture Write Up

This week the level three audio production students were joined by Helen McCarron (Careers and Employability Adviser) & Claire Butler (Student Enterprise Co-ordinator). Their lecture was based around freelance work and the support services available for self employment.

This lecture showed the class a lot of statistics relating to freelance work that allowed us to understand how viable freelance work  can actually be. For example,

  • 30% of people working in creative media are freelance’. Creative Skillset Workforce Report 2014
  • 67% in Audio, Sound and Music

We were also advised on to how much we should charge employers for our work and how to sort out our taxes. All of this information was extremely useful and made me aware of the  support The Careers and Employability centre actually offer.

Claire also explained how the class are all eligible for a £2500 grant to help us become freelancers, we will also be given support from a mentor.

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