Evidence : Chameleon 7720

For my research on Young Guru’s production techniques I identified that he ran Jay-Z’s vocals used a Avalon 737 compressor. I also explained how I wouldn’t have access to the hardware and I would have to use the Chameleon 7720 compressor available in the Multitrack studio. To show I have actually used this compressor I have attached a vocal track before and after they have been run through the Chameleon 7720.


This post relates to learning outcome 5

Evidence : Mixing : Mono Cube

Following on from my research about Jeff Ellis and his mixing process of using low end speakers to ensure his mix translates well on all systems. I have done the majority of mixes on the mono cube in the Multitrack studio. This mono cube gives me a mono representation of my mix and allows me to alter my mix so it translates well on this system.

mono cube

This post relates to learning outcome 4