For the last couple of tutorials me and Lee spent time reviewing my mixes and working together to increase my production of the tracks, We also spent time reviewing my blog for the final time to make sure everything was up to scratch. I am very thankful I have had Lee as my personal tutor this semester he has taught me an incredible amount of things ranging from production and mixing, he has helped me create an audio project I am extremely proud of.
Tutorial Write Up
Week 7 Tutorial Write Up
Today me and Lee looked at all my demos I have ready to send to artists, he helped me finishing of the mixes for some of them so I can send them.We also talked about the importance to regularly be updating my blog so it doesn’t become a second priority. For next week I will go through my blog posts with Lee to see which ones are relevant and which ones are not.
Week 6 Tutorial Write Up
Today myself and Lee looked at one of my sketches for my EP. I exported all the stems into Pro Tools and used a frequency analyzer plugin to remove the low end and other frequencies from each instrument. This allowed me to give each instrument in the mix a place to sit.
When I enter the mastering stage, I can effectively turn up the levels of the mix without it suffering distortion. For next week I will bring Lee another sketch and we will apply the same techniques to it.
Week 5 Tutorial Write Up
This week myself and Lee were in the Multirack studio looking at techniques to boost the overall loudness of a mix. Lee explained to me the importance of giving every instrument inside a mix it’s own frequency space so they are not battling each other. He suggested I use a plugin with a frequency analyzer such as Blue Cat’s, by analyzing all the frequencies produced by an instrument I can carefully remove the low end ones that are not contributing to the overall sound of said instrument.
For next week I will break one of my sketches up into multiple stems and import them into Pro Tools, I will then put this technique into practice
Week 4 Tutorial
This week myself and Lee discussed the best way to blog my research which was very helpful, we went over how important it is to ensure every blog post is relevant to one of my learning outcomes so that my blog doesn’t become bloated. The methods of transcribing visual media such as interviews into my blog was also described I also asked Lee for his advice on how to best acoustically treat my home studio as I plan to do some of mixing/recordings at home to give me more flexibility with my work.
Next week we will be in the multi-track studio where I will be showing my sketches and getting help with boosting the overall loudness of them.